Eco Petroleum Limited was duly registered and incorporated in 2010 under the Companies’ Act 1994, with the Registrar of companies. It is in pursuant to and in accordance with regulations (Articles of Association) and the business act through which the registrar of companies incorporated it as a private limited company by shares.
Eco Petroleum Limited has its offices in the city of Ndola, Zambia at Plot number 10709 Kabwe road which is directly opposite Jacaranda Mall in the industrial area of the town. The core business of Eco Petroleum is the distribution of petroleum products and lubricants.
Our mission is to supply good quality products and services. We endeavor to provide a service that satisfies its clients and customers. We are therefore committed to providing effective an efficient service, maintaining high standards of professionalism in the dispensation of services to the customers. Eco Petroleum Limited is also endowed with the maintenance of very high standards of administration and public relations in dealing with its clientele. It’s therefore our belief that it is important to adopt a commercial and pragmatic outlook both in conduct and outlook of our business.
There are many organizations that indeed provide services in the lines of Eco Petroleum Limited but it is the expertise in our company that gives us confidence that we are able to provide the best quality service to our valued clientele and which furthermore, justifies our motto and our existence in the industry.
Our objective is to build long term working relationships with our customers in order to dovetail with the rest of their business. We therefore look forward to being able to offer fuel solutions for your company.